I took Hunter on a like fall forage around the mountains of Hot Springs, VA, primarily so he'd finally take a nap, but also so I could do a little mushroom hunting. We had a great hike and he was drooling out of the baby bjorn in no time flat.
We found some older mushrooms, but still fun to find nonetheless. We found some Chicken of the Woods, Maitake, (Hen of the Woods, and my first ever Cauliflower mushroom. I've never found one of these and had to do some research to even find out what it was. Unfortunately, it was a bit old and I opted not to eat it.
Note: I intentionally picked some Jack O Lantern mushrooms so I could take them back to the house and examine them further. I found them on the tree with the maitake and I circled them red in the last picture. Don't eat those. You might die.
*As always, I am not a mushroom expert, so please do not use this blog as a source of knowledge. Do not consume wild mushrooms unless you are 100% sure of their identification.